
Thavnarian Jhammel:A Complete Guide

The Thavnairian Jhammel is a formidable beastkin encountered in the vibrant region of Thavnair in Final Fantasy XIV.

Resembling a close cousin to the dhalmel, these towering creatures are known for their distinctive appearance and behaviors.


  • Species: Beastkin (Dhalmel)
  • Level: 81
  • Location: Thavnair, specifically around coordinates (X:20, Y:11)
  • Aggression: Aggressive towards players

Thavnairian Jhammels are generally passive, spending their time foraging the arid landscapes of Gyr Abania for tender leaf buds atop the region’s sparse flora. However, when threatened, they utilize their flexible necks to deliver powerful blows to adversaries. This defensive behavior has inspired the Ala Mhigan idiom, “like a woken jhammel,” symbolizing hidden strength beneath a calm exterior.

In-Game Significance:

Players may encounter Thavnairian Jhammels during various quests and hunts in the Endwalker expansion. Defeating these creatures can yield valuable items and contribute to progression in hunting logs and other in-game activities.

For a visual guide on locating and engaging Thavnairian Jhammels, you might find the following video helpful:

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